This September Swim England have launched a campaign called ‘Don’t put a cap on swimming’.

The reason behind the campaign is to highlight the value of swimming for communities and individuals and to ensure that more is done to maximise this value and deliver a network of sustainable pools and blue spaces.

At Salford Community Leisure we understand the worth of swimming and water-based activities as we welcome hundreds of people to our pools across the city each week. As such, we were honoured to be involved in this recent campaign by welcoming Becky Adlington to Irlam & Cadishead Leisure Centre, who filmed alongside our girls Syncro team.

SCL offer a variety of swimming activities for the community from your basic swim sessions to competitive swim teams so whether you are just looking for a way to stay fit and healthy or are looking to swim for sport we have something for everyone.

Local swimming pools are incredibly important for the community, and we are proud to offer 6 facilities with swimming pools across Salford, providing a full timetable of activities for people to attend.

Dawn Williams, Sport & Leisure Manager said:

‘Swimming is one of the few activities that people of any age or ability can take part in. As well as being a fun and social activity, it is an essential life skill – the only leisure activity that can save your own (or someone else’s) life. This is one of many reasons why supporting local swimming pools is vital’.

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