COBRA (Complete Business Reference Adviser)

What does this database cover?

The COBRA database contains several thousand practical, factual and digestible reports, guides, factsheets and reference resources in a unique repository which includes:

  • Business Opportunity Profiles (BOPs)
  • Business Information Factsheets (BIFs)
  • UK Market Synopses

COBRA provides critical business facts, compliance and trading details of hundreds of the most common (and many of the less common) small business trades, sectors and professions.

Accessing COBRA

Inside the library

Click on the ‘Search COBRA’ button below and you should be able to search the database.

Outside the library

Click on the ‘Search COBRA button’ below and then log in with your library account log in details. You should then be able to search the database.

Search COBRA →

Help in using COBRA

COBRA is quite straightforward to use but if you need help please visit their website. If you require further help with this database or support to start up your own business, please email or