What does this database cover?

  • Information on over 8,000 funding schemes including grants, loans and awards from local, regional and national UK government, European funding, charitable trusts and corporate sponsors;
  • Content ranging from modest community funds at one end of the spectrum to major, multi-level European initiatives at the other;
  • Automatic email alerts on saved searches alerting you to new or updated funds relevant to your projects;
  • An authoritative reference library of articles on topical funding issues;
  • A News Alert service sending approaching deadlines, news of launched funds and policy decisions direct to your inbox;
  • Extensive information – complete fund details, including background, funding levels, eligibility criteria, previous successful projects, who to contact and links to application forms;

Please note that after clicking on the search button below, a member of staff will have to log you in.

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Help in using GRANTfinder

Once you are logged onto the database, and start a new funding search, you are guided by on screen search tips.

If you require further help with this database or support to start up your own business, please email eccles.library@scll.co.uk or karen.yates@scll.co.uk.