It’s no surprise we feel less motivated to fit in a winter workout. When the days are shorter, the temperature is icy and you have to layer up to keep warm. But there’s no reason to press pause on your exercise routine and goals altogether!

Jack Carney, senior coach at Salford Metropolitan Athletic Club based at Cleavley Athletics Track in Winton shares with us his top tips for keeping motivated in the cold weather:

  • Seek out an exercise partner or group.
  • Exercise during your lunch break if the dark mornings and evenings don’t work for you. Try and make some all-important time for yourself and adapt your routine.
  • Stay well hydrated every day – drinking 1 to 2 litres of water throughout the day will keep you feeling fresh and ready for action.
  • Remember to wear a hat and gloves for outdoor workouts when it’s very cold, as this is where most heat escapes from the body.
  • Mix up your training routine to develop your fitness and strength. ‘I always advise our athletes to combine our track workouts with other things such as gym workouts, yoga, Pilates, cycling or brisk walking for example’.

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